Wednesday, August 6, 2008

vampiro city

the next book we're reading is picked by mr. crowley. it's bram stoker's dracula.

i believe that it's another 'classic,' so that's a little surprising. or not. one of the things that i love about my readers is that we can throw down down and dirty, we can riff on pop culture and we are also wonderfully, terribly smart.



Unknown said...

Time to go shopping for books!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute. Surprising as in coming from the Southside Polish guy? I'm only joshin' with ya. Dracula is indeed one of my favs, and I have read it a lot. I used to guffah at people that read books more than once until this one. Laugh at me if you will, but I get something more out of it every time I read it.

Eric said...

I have read it before also but I'm enjoying the re-read. Every sentence is a treat.

smussyolay said...

surprising that the book club in general is throwing down with the classics. i thought i'd be in with a bunch of good summer reads or something. i don't know.

i'm battling my way through all these fancy-ass old school books. old language, chewy reading. it's like i'm in school again. which is actually kind of cool. i'm not blasting through them. but i'm an impatient kind, so it's a new experience for this speed reader.

i like being exposed to books i've never read, though, especially if they're classics.