Friday, September 12, 2008

New Book Choice by Julene

Hey everyone!

I've been going over and over in my mind which book I would like to re-read and my super aversion to claiming anything as a "favorite". I had it narrowed down to 3 - A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by David Eggers, and then whatever I had in the house.

Well, it's come down to the book behind door #3 - I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb.

I'm not a huge fan of re-reading, so the book has been surprising me with it's voice and ability to retain my attention.

So, have at it and we will discuss at some point in the future.


smussyolay said...

no way! those other two are HUGE favorites of mine. and here's what i had to say to julene over email after giving her an unknown prompt:

interesting. i tried reading that after i really loved 'she's come undone,' and i remember not being able to get through it ... which is unusual, cause i often torture myself trying to get through books, especially earlier in my life, and i think this was definitely years ago.

but, it's always different to read books at different points in your life, and it's not like these last two books were high on my list to read. i love getting all these different perspectives!! YAY! thanks.

so... that said, i can't lie and say i'm not bummed to read 'genius' for a third time (although i find you either love it or hate it, but that'd be good for discussion .. hmmm... ) or prayer for owen meany (which i only read once, but which grabbed my heart and did NOT let go). but, i'm glad we're in the land of contemporary fiction, yo!!

Anonymous said...

whew... at first i though i wasnt going to be able to get it on audio unabridged... but i did.

someday i might actually have to read a book (and i dont even know if i can)

Unknown said...

I know. It's lame of me to not want to go shopping for books, but I was being run ragged last week at work.

And now I'm feeling bad that I didn't pick a David Foster Wallace book, but the ones that I feel I could have thrown out there are only collections of essays. I'm not mean enough to throw "Infinite Jest" at anyone - literally or figuratively.

smussyolay said...

i've never read that one. i guess this wally lamb one is huge, but infinite jest is well over a 1,000 pages, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I swore I would never read an Oprah book, and now with her dissin' Palin I can't stand her more, but I guess rules are rules.

Unknown said...

I refer to Infinite Jest as my unemployment book. Whenever I'm unemployed and can't afford a new book - that one comes off the shelf. It takes SO long to read that you won't be done by the time you have a new job.